For a more complete coverage of the Pictish Kings of Picts and Scots, please see internet references listed at The work by F. Lennox Campello is generally interesting as a reference about the Pictish Kings. Also recommended are the studies by Robert M. Gunn and Heather Rose Jones.
Another view of the "Transition From Pictland To Alba To Scotland" may be found at <>.
- Campello, F. Lennox. The Pictish Nation. 1994. (noted above) Internet website: <>.
- Munch, P.A., et al. The Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys (from the Manuscript Codex in the British Museum), with notes by P. A. Munch, 1874, revised by Dr. Goss, 2 vol. 1876-1877. Manx Society Publications, Vol. XXII. [NOTE: These "Chronica Rogum Mannia et Insularum" are filled with many inaccuracies, particularly for dates of events, but the general influence and involvement of the Norse Vikings is included as an important aspect of Scottish history.]