The launching of the reproduction of the brig Hector will take place at the Hector Museum in Nova Scotia on September 16~~ at 1:00p.m. The original Hector brought the first Scottish settlers, including fifteen Rosses, to Nova Scotia when it landed at Pictou Harbour on September 15,1773. Clan Ross - Canada has supported this reconstruction with the $1,000.00 purchase of a permanent Clan Ross banner in 1998, on the Avenue of the Clans adjacent to the museum. If you can, plan to attend this historic event which will also feature a full weekend of musical entertainment and 18th century historical re-enactment. For more information contact Pictou Tourism toll free at 1-877-742868 operator 002.
The Ship Hector Foundation has also started a "Come on Board" campaign to complete the second phase of construction of this Pictou waterfront redevelopment project. National and local governments. and large businesses, have already pledged support. Any individual Clan Ross members who would like to contribute are encouraged to contact the foundation directly at: Ship Hector Foundation P.O. Box 1772 Pictou, Nova Scotia BOK 1HO (902) 485-5871
Click on the thumbnail photo to obtain a larger version.
Here is a Map of Pictou with the complete Programme of Events for 1998.
The permanent Clan Ross banner on the Avenue of the Clans adjacent to the Hector Museum.
The parade of the 225th Anniversary Celebrations in 1998
commemorates the arrival of the Hector at Pictou on September 15, 1773, with the first Scottish settlers.
The Passenger List of the Hector included 15 Rosses.
To the right an "enlarged version" may be accessed.
The construction of the replica of the brig Hector is shown on the left, and the plans are to the right.
All scenes here are inside the Hector Museum. A silver plaque upper left recognizes the support of Clan Ross in the reconstruction of the Hector. The Ross tartan is displayed to the right. Below, groups of Ross visitors receive a tour of the museum.