15TH Annual CRA-Canada AGM - 2006
Sunday's Brunch on June 25, the Annual General Meeting and a Dinner at the Outback Steakhouse
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Sunday Brunch

At almost 10:00 AM, we found Janet Montague Jones returning to her room after finding the meeting room locked and being told that Brunch would not be served until 11:30 to 1:30 as arranged. She decided to attend the Church Service instead of waiting. Pat and I received the same message at the front desk, and waited as other stragglers came down the hall from their rooms to hear the same message. Eventually our President Denis Fletcher took charge and a section of the meeting room was opened with fresh regular coffee, decaffinated coffee, hot water and orange juice. The tables even had table cloths on them in very short order, and soon a fair number of the CRA-Canada members were bringing their meals from the dining room (if they hadn't started eating in the dining room already). Meanwhile, Secretary Ian Mackay Ross phoned Janet's room to advise her about the revised arrangements.



The Annual General Meeting

The year 2006, being an even number, led to important decisions beginning with the end of the 2004 AGM and continuing through the telephone conference of June 12, 2005, and other meetings/contacts until Sunday, June 25, 2006. We thank the CRA-Canada Executive for their support of the decisions made in Ontario which led to this event and the project.

President Denis Fletcher Called the meeting to order and welcomed all members. The minutes of the 2005 teleconference were read by Secretary Ian Ross and adopted unanimously. The minutes will be reported in the newsletter and the members section of the website. Your webmaster has taken the advice of Ian Mackay Ross on several occasions and Pat caught him making this admission during the business meeting; Doug also has a jar containing 100 marbles, and he will likewise retire before he loses all of them.

Pat Ross managed to take the final photo of the meeting. Evelyn Ross, wife of Don Ross of Orillia, loves to hide in the background. Missing from the picture are Denis and Shirley Ross of Kincardine and Don Ross of Winnipeg, who had to leave during the meeting to meet their travel deadlines.



Ontario Commissioner Wendy Ross called a brief meeting of the Ontario members of CRA-Canada after the regular business meeting. Then, after 7:15 PM the majority of the AGM members in the previous photo, plus Janet Montague Jones, joined Denis and Barbara Fletcher for dinner at the Outback Steakhouse. [Those barbecued ribs were yummy.]